11/02/1979 12:00
Some moments are better left untold. This is one of them. -
11/02/1979 12:00
Fate or Shear Madness
Much of my life was in some way connected to this area around The World Trade Center. My parents set the stage for this involvement in the Forties and Fifties. On one night in the mid-Fifties I accompanied my Dad to his place of employment at the Washington Market to see his salesmanship first hand. This was the wholesale fruit and produce district in New York City, where buyers came to get their fresh supply of fruit and produce. At the break of dawn it was time to eat. We walked from his place of employment at the corner of Washington and Warren Streets to George’s restaurant at the corner of Rector and Greenwich Streets. I didn’t know it at the time of course, but many years later I came to realize that on this trip to George’s Restaurant I stepped foot for the first time on the parcel of land where The World Trade Center was to be built. After my Army days, a remarkable cast of characters guided me as I inched my way closer and closer to employment near the Twin Towers. My daughter played a role as my family developed strong ties to the area. My daughter discovered perfume at Sephora in the concourse at The World Trade Center. We stayed often at the Marriott at The World Trade Center, the last time being Labor Day weekend in September 2001. They checked out of Room 1837 late in the morning on Tuesday, September 4 after I went to work. The situation had all the elements of a complete disaster for me had the attack been planned for exactly one week earlier. The fact that this happened on my half birthday gnawed on my mind for years. I spent some time in early retirement thinking about numbers. I even consulted with Pythagoras, a great mathematician and sometimes known as the father of numerology. Yes, this is the same Pythagoras whose right triangle theorem you learned in geometry. I sought to learn if he brought any numerological secrets to his grave, and found one. There existed a strong numerological connection amongst The World Trade Center, 9/11 and myself - a connection so mystical to leave one bewildered. I deduced the most logical conclusion from these stories. Was it Fate or Shear Madness? Decide for yourself. -
11/02/1979 12:00
Twin Towers Internet Memorial
On the 10th anniversary of 911 I proposed a name for the 2,3,4,5,6 poker hand straight. 2 + 3 + 4 = 9
5 + 6 = 11The World Trade Center straight was adopted as an official playing card nickname. But I didn’t stop there. In 2011 I also proposed the creation of subgroups within the modern Periodic Table. This 21st century proposal represents the first major structural change in the modern periodic table since the proposal of the creation of the the actinide series in the Forties. Isn’t it about time we add a little life to the study of chemistry? The first subgroup - The World Trade Center Elements. Awaiting approval by The Elders at the American Chemical Society. -
11/02/1979 12:00
Long Island’s Most Affordable Tutor
$20 per hour, 2009 to Present. And I hope to keep it at this level until hyperinflation arrives. It’s not always about money. Helping the young achieve their dreams is an excellent way to give back something to society. Same for older people down on their luck and in need of a career change. -
11/02/1979 12:00
The iPad Changes Everything
Especially for authors, as it provides a more cost effective means to publish a book where an author can achieve a greater part of the proceeds of their work. I soon began the effort to turn my hardcopy chemistry book into an eBook. Talk about a new lease on life. I started with the idea of producing a what you see in the hardcopy book is what you get in the eBook, but was not happy with that. The hardware and software enabled the creation of an audio and graphical multimedia learning experience that would not be possible in a traditional hardcopy book. I decided to take advantage of this capability.
During that rewrite I discovered The Five Wonders of the Problem Solving World. The Five Wonders are based on a small set of sound and time honored easy to understand math principles. The Five Wonders represent a coherent set of the five best and only techniques you need to solve all numerical chemistry problems. -
11/02/1979 12:00
The Framework
I immediately recognized that I stumbled upon a new approach to solving problems and that The Five Wonders could be used to solve math word problems. Word problems, perhaps more than anything else at an early age, help develop critical thinking and logic skills. I began work on a new framework to greatly enhance the ability of a child to think logically about math. Two years later I was finished. The Framework to solve word problems consists of four major elements. The Five Wonders of the Problem Solving World, the nucleus of The Framework. The Top Ten Key Ideas. Numerous Details. The Repeatable Process. Each and every element based on sound math procedures that you can learn. This Framework not only solves the most simple word problems of early math but also multiple step word problems involving more than one Wonder of the Problem Solving World. It can also be used as you progress to algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and beyond. There are no roadblocks to the use of this Framework in the wide and diverse subjects that you will learn in school or in the career of your choice. Learn It Once, Use It Forever.
The four elements of The Framework
The Five Wonders of The Problem Solving World
The Top Ten Key Ideas
The Numerous Details
The Repeatable ProcessIt’s about time we apply the concept of Repeatable Process to solving word problems. This repeatable process forms the basis of my claim for the discovery of the One Best Way to solve word problems. A repeatable process to solve word problems - what a wonderful idea. It will forever change the manner in which word problems are solved. -
11/02/1979 12:00
Stock Market System
A number of years ago, and after having observed the workings of the Stock Market over my lifetime but mostly from afar, I formulated a System that allowed one to accumulate wealth in a relatively quick and risk adverse manner. It shares a key principle with my Casino System, but of course this is not about a small white ball going around and around and around. And more importantly, the stock market pits one investor against the other, instead of everybody individually against the house, which has a probabilistic advantage. It is not a hard system to learn but does take a bit of discipline to execute. I have tried it from time to time to pick up some chump change. Someday I plan to give it a big time test. -
11/02/1979 12:00
All Good Things Come To An End
A couple of close calls recently. I have a lot of memorable moments that I need to experience yet. Come back and see me in about 15 years. -
11/02/1979 12:00
The God Proof
Extra! Extra! Read all about it. Long Island man proves the existence of God with mathematics. This is the 15th Anniversary Edition of The World Trade Center Stories and for the first time includes The Missing Chapter, the mathematical proof of the most important question that we humans have ever pondered - the existence of God.
More strong numerological connections amongst The World Trade Center, 9/11 and myself including the holy grail relationship as well as others that were missed in the print edition. An entire new chapter, appropriately called The Missing Chapter, which contains the mathematical proof which drove the necessity of this edition. A proof based on a sound and established mathematical principle. The proof is shown in plain and simple language, easily understood even by those who are math challenged. And of course, the eBook edition allows the book to be produced in living color and include multimedia enhancements that would otherwise be unaffordable and/or impossible in print.
Imagine this. The first edition of this book started as a memoir and human interest story about the relationship amongst The World Trade Center, 9/11 and myself. Only at the last possible moment a sixth chapter was added to illustrate the numerological nature of two major relationships that I had known about since the day of the attack and its immediate aftermath. The floodgates opened and I soon discovered more and included them in that sixth chapter, called ImProbable. I had decided not to draw any conclusions from all this except for a few forward looking thoughts that I mentioned in chapter summaries. Within two years following publication, I discovered the holy grail relationship as well as a few others. Some six years later, I wrote and published the 15th Anniversary Edition, including the holy grail relationship and a small number of other numerological relationships, some discovered as late as August 2016. Significantly, an entire new chapter was written which mathematically proves the existence of God. You can read some more information on these two sites (see theworldtradecenterstories.com and worldtradecenterstories.com). You can also read more at the existence of God.
One more thought. I’m a skeptical person. There is likely no way I would ever believe a story like this. I certainly can’t blame you for being skeptical. I thought carefully about even creating this 15th Anniversary Edition, for in the end all a person has is their reputation. A burden has been lifted off my shoulders. If there was any expectation from you know who that I write the complete story, it is done. Perhaps that will be counted in my plus column, for I sure have accumulated enough negatives in my life. I’m going back to helping the young and people in need to achieve their dreams. I have a couple of ideas for some technical books I would like to write. This was a good summer for me testing out my Stock Market System. I will also continue with that. Someday I just want to sit back and relax.
The World Trade Center Stories. Read the book. Think about the stories. Understand the proof. Decide for yourself. -
11/02/1979 12:00
The Missing Piece of the Puzzle
A proof of the existence of God ought to be enough contents for a book. But during the production of the 15th Anniversary Edition of The World Trade Center Stories, I uncovered the answer to one of the last remaining questions concerning 9/11. There has been a considerable amount of speculation as to why the terrorists chose September 11th. I’ve searched throughout the internet but could not locate any report that matches my theory. I am not at all sure why this was not uncovered in the 9/11 Commission Report. I have already written more information concerning this on another site. -
11/02/1979 12:00
God Stole the 2016 Presidential Election
The inside story behind the 2016 presidential election can now be told. This God Stole the 2016 Presidential Election series is based on the three lectures that were prepared to set the record straight concerning the outcome of this epic battle. An outcome so unexpected, it left half the nation in tears. In the months leading up to the Tuesday after the first Monday in November 2016, nearly all the political pundits reported that there was no path to the White House for Donald Trump through the Electoral College. The ascendency of Hillary Clinton to the highest office in the land was a sure thing. The ultimate glass ceiling would be pierced, like never before.
In September of 2016 I published a note concerning a preliminary counter analysis that was able to predict an outcome to this election. After the election was over, it didn’t take long to see the blame game being played. The most prevalent explanation was that the outcome had been altered as a result of a Russian conspiracy to meddle with the election process. Some opined that the unprecedented involvement by the FBI director swung the election in an unexpected direction. Others were quick to blame Hillary Clinton herself for being a poor campaigner. The pre-election consensus opinion that Hillary Clinton would be the 45th President of the United States quickly turned into a post election consensus that the result is the only one that could actually have happened, based on events that all occurred prior to election day.
Tired of hearing about all the excuses, this predictive analysis theory was then used to do a more thorough analysis of the 2016 presidential election. There is no expectation that everyone will agree with this theory. The human mind is conditioned not to believe in explanations that seem counter to the laws of science and the principles of math. The results of the more comprehensive analysis confirms the preliminary prediction. Yes, this election was rigged. The theory is based on a well accepted and easy to understand mathematical principle.
Converting the three lectures into a book format in a way that preserves the look and feel of a real seminar lecture requires a multimedia graphical approach with heavy reliance on audio and video, all of which enlarges the actual size of the work. It is hard to tell whether you are at a seminar or seeing and hearing it afterwards. For this reason, I created a series of three logical books, each one containing one of the lectures. Each logical book consists of multiple physical volumes, done to make it easier to manage these lectures in the cloud and on your device. Keep it in the cloud means you won’t need to use any space on your device. And buy it once, use it forever means that you can bring it in and out of the cloud whenever you want. Just be sure to use wired or wifi internet.
The prelude to Book 1 introduces you to the four main characters that participate in the delivery of the lectures. You learn the origins of the event which caused the discovery of this theory. The prelude lays the organizational groundwork for the lecture and provides a lecture by lecture content overview. The first lecture is a historical view of the 2016 presidential election. An overview of the topics discussed in the first lecture is then presented. Volume 2 of Book 1 continues the first lecture by presenting the extensive graphical terminology used throughout all lectures. A simple model which represents the complex election decision process is then presented. The simple model is based on a very simple logical concept. The complexity arises as a result of the amount of data involved in the election decision process. Categories to better manage this data are created. Volume 3 of Book 1 continues the first lecture by presenting over 50 examples of the factors which influenced this election, a small subset of all the factors. We do so in a methodical category by category manner. This is the traditional way to view the election, the one used by nearly all the political commentators. Volume 4 of Book 1 demonstrates how all the factors involved in an election are aggregated to enable the voter to reach a decision. The model is good for individual voters but poor for political analysts attempting to predict the results of an election. These election results deliver the death blow to the traditional way that an election is predicted, particularly in elections that have this profile. The prelude to Book 2 begins the second lecture in this series. A temporary detour is taken to digest an extraordinary human interest story. The prelude sets the stage for this story. Volume 2 of Book 2 continues the second lecture with the story of my chance encounters with each of the two major candidates, nearly fifty years before they were locked into this epic battle. I was one of the earliest people to speak to both of them. Perhaps the first one on the face of the earth. But did that really happen by chance or was it part of the plan? The prelude to Book 3 begins the third and final lecture in this series. The prelude starts with an organizational overview of the entire third lecture. The prelude provides the necessary background information to understand this theory. The three main elements of the theory are detailed as well as how the elements interact with one another. This is the foundation upon which this theory is built. The major step of developing the critical numbers associated with the 2016 presidential election destiny is taken. Volume 3 of Book 3 continues the third lecture and covers Round 2, the events and objects associated with the residencies of the two major candidates. This is real estate turf and you would expect Donald Trump to do well here. Discoveries which are almost beyond belief are made. But as I like to say, you cannot argue with the numbers. This is just about the time that you will say that this is all a bad dream and cannot be happening. Donald Trump must have played with toy building bricks when he was a young boy. Volume 4 of Book 3 continues the third lecture, includes the final Round 3, and covers the events and objects associated with the election cycle. This is the period between the candidate’s announcement and election day. This is political turf and you would expect Hillary Clinton to do well here. We make discoveries which are almost beyond belief. It could very well have been the greatest boxing round in political history. Seeing is believing. Volume 5 of Book 3 finishes the third lecture. You never know what surprises will occur on election day. A whopper of a surprise is contained in the certified vote count, that has gone unnoticed by all. This comprehensive application of the theory predicts correctly the actual results that occurred. Deniers are welcome to take the Bag of Candies challenge. If you were a Donald Trump supporter, you are likely to call this divine intervention. If you were a Hillary Clinton supporter, you will likely wonder whatever happened to the Thou Shalt Not Steal commandment. At the very least, you can now be assured that blame has been assigned correctly.